(302) 393-6629
Enjoy the video below of the unveiliing of my 2 public art pieces for Downtown Milford Inc., (DMI) Art on the Riverwalk Tour (ART) project on 9 June 2013. WIth thanks to DMI for letting me use the video. It was a great launch party attending by a big crowd. My thanks to the ART committee for selecting me to be part of the project and it was an honour to be alongside Milford artists Scott & Gail Angelucci, David Rule and Cathy Walls.

I am honored to be one of the artists chosen to complete Phase I of the ART Project of 4-foot boats decorated to the towns logo of River Town, Art Town, Hometown. They will be displayed throughout the town primarily along the Riverwalk.
For more details check Downtown Milford, Inc's., website
I am honored to be one of the artists chosen to complete Phase I of the ART Project of 4-foot boats decorated to the towns logo of River Town, Art Town, Hometown. They will be displayed throughout the town primarily along the Riverwalk.
For more details check Downtown Milford, Inc's., website

Union Point, Georgia 2011
Painted a train with artist Jan Whyllson for the city park.
Painted a train with artist Jan Whyllson for the city park.

My first public art experience - a mural in New Orleans in 2003 designed by renown folk artist, Charles Gillim. He is an amazing character and I am honoured to have traded art with him - his art brings me great joy every day. All I have on mural now is this copy of a photo in the Aligers Picayune. It was such fun - and the mural is still there! Survived hurricanes, humidity and all nature can throw at it just like the city and it's spirited inhabitants! The City of my Soul....